National and state standards for science and math teaching already include substantial requirements for teaching the history and nature of science and math. See the links below for specific examples of how education standards address the history and philosophy of science and math.

HPS in the Standards

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)

By highlighting Nature of Science, Scientific Inquiry, Science and Social Ethics, and Scientific and Mathematical Process standards, the TEKS afford many opportunities to integrate HPS into STEM. Click “Explore” for a list of TEKS explicitly address aspects of the history, nature, and social context of math and science.

Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

The NGSS specifically highlights opportunities to integrate the history and social context of math and science through its “Connections to Nature of Science,” “Crosscutting Concepts,” and “Common Core State Standards Connections.”

AAAS Benchmarks

The history of math and science are woven throughout the science literacy standards of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. They are most explicit in “Chapter 10: Historical Perspectives.” “Chapter 1: The Nature of Science,” “Chapter 2: The Nature of Mathematics,” and “Chapter 3: The Nature of Technology” are also good places to look.