Numeral system of a world culture
Consider: Arabic, Babylonian, Chinese, Egyptian, Greek, Indian, Mayan, Andean Quipu, Roman, Sumerian, Yoruba, etc.
A good place to start:
Berlinghoff, William P., and Fernando Q. Gouvêa. “Keeping Count: Writing Whole Numbers.” In Math Through the Ages: A Gentle History for Teachers and Others, 141-48. Farmington, ME: Oxton House/Mathematical Association of America, 2015.
The nature of light
A good place to start:
Ede, Andrew, and Lesley B. Cormack. A History of Science in Society: From Philosophy to Utility. 3rd ed. University of Toronto Press, 2016.
Spontaneous generation
A good place to start:
Ede, Andrew, and Lesley B. Cormack. A History of Science in Society: From Philosophy to Utility. 3rd ed. University of Toronto Press, 2016.