A variety of STEM lesson plans that incorporate the history and philosophy of science and math have been published online. See the resources below to start exploring successful models of using HPS in STEM education.
Online collections of lesson plans and classroom activities:
The Story Behind the Science (Astronomy, Biology, Physics, Geology, Chemistry plans)
Ada Lovelace Day: Resources For Schools
American Institute of Physics: Materials for Teachers and Students: Teaching Guides on Women and Minorities
SHiPS Resource Center for science teachers using Sociology, History and Philosophy of Science (lesson plans on many subjects)
Science History Lesson Plans and Resources
Scopes Trial: Historical thinking Matters
Smithsonian Institution Archives: Education Resource Package
Society for the History of Technology: Syllabi, Lessons Plans, and Other Teaching Materials
Teaching Environmental History: Lesson plans on Canada, chemistry, environmentalism, global perspectives on wilderness, and more
The History of Vaccines, Educator Resources (lesson plans and online activities)
The Scientific Revolution: Science & Society from the Renaissance to the Early Enlightenment: Lesson Plans
Choices: History and Current Issues for the Classroom
Civics of Technology
Changing the Face of Medicine
Chymistry of Isaac Newton (educational resources for middle and high school chemistry)
Engineering and Technology History Wiki Lesson Plans
Evolution and the Nature of Science Institutes: Nature of Science Lessons
Facing History and Ourselves (eugenics, race, IQ testing)
How Science Works, The Story Behind the Science
TryEngineering, IEEE, History Lesson Plans
Forest History Society: “If Trees Could Talk” middle school environmental history curriculum, and more
HHMI Biointeractive resources for teaching the life sciences
History and Philosophy in Science Teaching cases (many subjects, multilingual)
How outstanding women in STEM fields overcame obstacles, PBS Newshour Extra Lesson Plan
MathHappens field trips
NWABR Biomedical Research Teacher Center (lesson plans on human and animal research, nature of science, etc.)
National Science Digital Library––history of math (standards-aligned lessons, sortable by grade level and subject)
National Science Digital Library––history of science (standards-aligned lessons, sortable by grade level and subject)
National Science Teaching Association (NTSA) Lesson Plans & Activities
Reacting to the Past: STEM Games
Spotting Misinformation and Disinformation, The Story Behind the Science
TRIUMPHS: TRansforming Instruction in Undergraduate Mathematics via Primary Historical Sources
TROP ICSU: Climate Change Education Across the Curricula Across the Globe
Time and Navigation, Smithsonian
Understanding Science (teacher resources on the nature and process of science)
Visionlearning (many subjects, NGSS-aligned, bilingual)
Women in Science and Technology, Library of Congress
Published Lesson Plan Collections
Allchin, D. Teaching the Nature of Science: Perspectives & Resources. SHiPS Education Press, 2013
Berlinghoff, W. P., & F. Q. Gouvêa. Pathways from the Past I: Using History to Teach Numbers, Numerals… Oxton House, 2010
Berlinghoff, W. P., & F. Q. Gouvêa. Pathways from the Past II: Using History to Teach Algebra. Oxton House, 2013
Conant, J. B. Harvard Case Histories in Experimental Science. Harvard University Press, 1957
Hagen, J. B., et al. Doing Biology. Harper Collins College Publishers, 1996
Jardine, D., & Amy Shell-Gellasch, eds. Mathematical time capsules: Historical modules for the mathematics classroom. MAA, 2011
Katz, V. J., & Karen Dee Michalowicz. Historical modules for the teaching and learning of mathematics. MAA, 2005
Swetz, Frank J. Learning activities from the history of mathematics. Walch Publishing, 1993
Swetz, Frank, John Fauvel, Bengt Johansson, Victor Katz, and Otto Bekken, eds. Learn from the masters. MAA, 1995
Reacting to the Past (College-level roleplaying games, including games on Darwin, Galileo, acid rain, climate change)
Journals that Frequently Publish About Lessons Integrating HPS and STEM